Pricelist Gynecology

Gynecological examination and ultrasound*
2100 SEK
Follow up visit within 3 months*

Colposcopy and biopsy (investigation due to abnormal Pap smear)

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

IUD insertion/removal

Biopsy, excision/removal of lession*

Fertility treatment abroad

1500 SEK

3600 SEK

1500 SEK

supplement 1500 SEK

supplement 2000 SEK

Examination, prescription of medication and relevant laboratory tests*
1800 SEK
Ultrasound contrast examination of the fallopian tubes (HyCoSy)
3600 SEK


EndomeTRIO (ERA test, EMMA, ALICE)**

ERA test**

*Additional costs for laboratory tests / investigation, Xrays etc. apply

**Inclusive laboratory costs and transportation costs of the sample

11000 SEK

16000 SEK

13000 SEK

Pricelist Neurology

Neurological examination/consulation
2800 SEK
Follow up visit within 3 months
2000 SEK
Additional costs for laboratory tests / investigation, Xrays etc. apply